International Competition of research papers of young scientists participating in the International Conference «Theoretical and Applied Ethics: Traditions and Prospects».
The Statute of the Competition
1. General Provisions
1.1. This Statute specifies the Competition entry requirements as well as how the Competition is held and how its winners are defined.
1.2. The purposes of the Competition are the development and improvement of skills of research.
1.3. The goals of the Competition are:
1.3.1. to increase students' interest in research activities;
1.3.2. to develop skills of planning and performing of academic research;
1.3.3. to gather experience in processing the research results and writing scholar text.
2. The Jury of the Competition
2.1. The jury of the Competition (hence referred to as «the Jury») consists of the members of the organizing (program) committee of the international conference «Theoretical and Applied Ethics: Traditions and Prospects» of the same year.
2.2. The Jury:
2.2.1. Manages the Competition;
2.2.2. Informs students about the Competition;
2.2.3. Notifies Contest participants about the results of the Competition;
2.2.4. Performs a professional evaluation of the works submitted for the Competition;
2.2.5. Selects the Competition winners (first, second and third prizes).
3. The procedure of holding the Competition and the conditions for participation, the requirements for Competition works
3.1. The participants of the young scientists' sections of the Conference «Theoretical and Applied Ethics: Traditions and Prospects» take part in the Competition.
3.2. The competitor’s paper must comply with the formal and quality standards so that the Jury of the Competition could evaluate it.
3.3. The competitor’s paper must be original, and must not include any borrowings without references to sources.
3.4. The competitor’s papers are scored on a 1-10 scale based on the following criteria:
3.4.1. The significance and novelty of the chosen topic;
3.4.2. The relevance of the content of the work to the stated topic;
3.4.3. The author's acquaintance with the sources on the topic;
3.4.4. The number, relevance and reliability of the sources used in the paper;
3.4.5 The author’s capacity to evaluate the research results;
3.4.6. The author’s ability in structuring and proving their opinion;
3.4.7. The language of the presentation;
3.4.8. The terminology proficiency level.
4. The announcement of results of the Competition
4.1. Members of the Jury of the Competition determine the winners (first, second and third prizes) of the Competition by a simple majority of votes.
4.2. The winners of the Competition are awarded with diplomas.
Winners (first, second and third prizes) of the 2021 international competition:
1st place
Golovkov Vladislav
Three Types of Ethical Problems in Artificial Intelligence
2nd place
Iunusova Liliia
«Shock Art» and the Representation of Cannibalism in Contemporary Chinese Performance
3rd place
Pavlova Elena
The Influence of the Brand Ethics Level on its Reputation
Winners (first, second and third prizes) of the 2022 international competition:
1st place
Spirin Tikhon
Hermeneutics of Ethical Discussions: Understanding as a Key to Reasoning in Moral Questions
Dzhincharadze Mariia
Cathartic «Therapy» of Horror Films and not Only.
Makarova Nadezhda
The Ethics of «Care for Yourself» in a Digital Society
2nd place
Volodko Artem
Moral and Educational Problems of the «Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics» Course
Strezhneva Kristina
The Problem of Freedom in Western European Ethical Concepts of the 19th – 21st Centuries
Shpenngler Lubov
Pickup and Authenticity: Strategies for finding authenticity.
3rd place
Lapkina Daria
Crisis of Identity in Modern Culture
Shevarenkova Anastasya
Student Satirical Media as the Carries of Value Systems
Vengura Danila
Postsecular Philosophy of Religion of Quentin Meillassoux
Winners (first, second and third prizes) of the 2023 international competition:
1st place
Mekhonoshina Elena
The idea of innate altruism in evolutionary ethics
Sadykova Elena
The main problems of creating the professional code of human resource specialists in Russia
2nd place
Strezhneva Kristina
Humanism in Atheistic and Religious Existentialism
Vinogradova Anastasia
Moral regulation of children's media: historical experience and modern problems
Rudakova Sofia
A virtue ethics approach to the analyses of corporate culture
3rd place
Peng Chen
Ethical and aesthetic in Peking Opera: origins and modernity.
Grigoryeva Marina
Aristotle's "Aretological" Eudaemonism