International Conference

The 16th International conference "Theoretical and Applied Ethics: Traditions and Prospects - 2024: The Paradoxes of Morality and Moral Paradoxes:problems and solutions"
Saint-Petersburg State University, November 21-23 2024

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Please submit your application

The contemporary world is full of contradictions: globalization trends collide with anti-globalist tendencies; debates over the concept of "active tolerance" and the paradoxical bounds of tolerance have raged for decades; controversies on the just laws and the appropriate use of force in the pursuit of justice are still unresolved by the 21st century, and are growing more pressing every year. Within the framework of one conference, we don't expect to come to a decision of all the listed and alleged paradoxes. Our intention is to improve our understanding and to update the discussion, and it seems to be the important step towards debunking the false moral paradoxes and achieving the truth.

The international scientific conference "Theoretical and Applied Ethics: Traditions and Prospects" is devoted to the study of the most important ethical phenomena of modern society and the categories of morality and practical philosophy. The key task of the conference is to identify the theoretical and methodological foundations of the current state of ethical science, to identify the main problems and prospects for the development of scientific research in the field of theoretical and applied ethics. History has repeatedly confronted humans with the limit situations, as well as today's world issues new challenges for us. Thus, the value strategies, the choice that everyone makes in such conditions should be the direct subject of ethical research. The practice of philosophical understanding of economic, political and civil shocks in Russia has formed the tradition of ethical and philosophical reflection in the context of the transformation of reality.

The International Scientific Conference “Theoretical and Applied Ethics: Traditions and Prospects” has been heldsince 2007. The geography of the conference covers the whole country: from Kaliningrad to Khabarovsk and fromKrasnodar to Murmansk. Foreign participants join the discussion from various parts of the world: China, Japan, Brazil,USA, EU countries, Argentina, Belarus, Serbia, Turkey, Iran, Kuwait.

Recent conferences

We welcome young researchesto participate, in order to advance their academic careers. We're holding a Young Scholars’ Competition during the Conference.


September 15th 2024, the deadline for submitting workshop proposals

September 30th 2024 the deadline for submitting applications and papers for participation in the conference and in the conference proceedings (300-500 words)

until October 20th, 2024 finalization of the conference program, sending invitations for participants

The conference is held as part of events in honor of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg State University.

The conference is held both in person and online.

Conference languages: Russian, English.

The proceedings of the conference with ISSN are indexed докладов конференции (ISBN, РИНЦ)

Registration fee is 1300 rub. ( for participants of the student conference - 500 rub.) Payment instructions is sent to participants after the finalization of the conference program

The program committee Chairman
Vadim Perov (St. Petersburg State University)

The members of the Program committee:

Глебова С.В. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет) – заместитель председателя; Ларионов И.Ю. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет) – заместитель председателя; Абакарова Р.М. (Дагестанский государственный университет); Агеева Д.А. (общественная организация «Голоса за животных»); Артёмов Г.П. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Барташевич Т.Ю. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Бродский А.И. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Васильев И.А. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Гефенас Е. (Вильнюсский университет); Держивицкий Е.В. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Зимбули А.Е. (Российский государственный педагогический университет им.А.И.Герцена); Ковалева Т.В. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Кулакова Т.А. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Лаптенок А.С. (Белорусский государственный экономический университет); Лисанюк Е.Н. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Маджима Ш. (Университет Хиросимы); Мажейкис Г. (Университет Витаутаса Магнуса); Овчинникова Е.А. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Перова Н.В. (Институт философии РАН); Плашиенкова З. (Университет им.А.Я.Коменского); Плотникова Т.Ю. (компания «Лента»); Положенцев А.М. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Разин А.В. (Московский государственный университет); Синютин М.В. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Стребков А.И. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Сунами А.Н. (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет); Тарковский В.Н. (Костромской государственный университет); Шевченко А.А. (Сибирское отделение Российской академии наук); Яскевич Я.С. (Белорусский государственный университет).

Планируемые круглые столы

  • Logic in morals and law: from form to code
  • Moral Agency: History and the Present
  • Ethics in the Anthropocene
  • The Existential and Critical Resources of Cinema
  • The Concept of Just War: History and the Present
  • Ethics and Animals
  • Scandalous practices: big data, artificial intelligence, new ethical dilemmas
  • Moral and Religious Discourse: Historical and Theoretical analysis
  • Bioethical Strategies: the Multifaceted Approaches
  • Value-based discourses and practices in law

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select applications for participation in the conference and publication, as well as the workshops schedule. The Organizing Committee does not enter into any correspondence regarding the content of the abstracts or topics of the presentations.

For all questions, please contact the conference coordinators by e-mail:
Postal address of the Organizing Committee:
Russia, 199034, St. Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya Line, 5. St.Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, Department of Ethics.
Phone no: (812)328-94-21 (1843)

Institute of Philosophy official website
