Дискурсы этики Discourses of Ethics

Current Issue

DISCOURSES OF ETHICS. Issue 4(20) 2023

DISCOURSES OF ETHICS. Issue 1(21) 2024 

Priya Gupta 
Understanding Moral Status of Animals through Ethics of Care 

Elena Shtark 
The Importance of Pro Bono Volunteering in Practical Medicine: Ethical Analysis 

Georgiy P. Artyomov 
Moral Culture and Social Solidarity 

Michael Brie 
Seven Reasons Not to Leave Lenin to Our Enemies. Confronting and renewing Lenin’s legacy on the centenary of his death. 

Artem Sunami  
I. Kant’s Concept of Freedom and Digital Society 

The scientific journal "Discourses of Ethics" is devoted to current issues of the theory and history of ethics, as well as to the urgent problems of applied ethics.

The editorial board accepts research articles on ethical topics, research results, materials of round tables, workshops, literature reviews (reviews of monographs, dissertations, educational literature, etc.), reviews and announcements of scholar events (conferences, round tables, workshops), announcements about grant competitions and scholar projects in the field of the humanities.

"Discourses of Ethics" is published quarterly in online and printed format. The publication languages are Russian and English. The publication is free.

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). Mass media registration certificate: Эл № ФС77-81587 dated August 03, 2021

Grant support: RSF №24-28-00562 «Philosophical foundations of ethical risks in the field of artificial intelligence systems». RSF №22-28-00379 «Transformations of the Moral Agency: Ethical and Philosophical Analysis». RFBR №19-011-00234 «Moral normality in professional ethical codes in the condition of the formation of a digital society». RFBR №20-011-00124 «Transformation of moral culture under the influence of neuroscience». RFBR №19-011-00766 «Categorical System of Russian Ethic Thought»

Contacts. For all questions, please contact by e-mail: theoretical.applied.ethics.spbu@gmail.com.

Tel. +79046091466
Founder: Igor Yurievich Larionov
